Well, the operation is next week. We've paid the Dr... got the admission information etc etc... now we just have to do it.
I had a big talk to Ryan & Cody last night about what to expect and see how they were feeling about it all. They are both scared... Cody said he was scared because "he'd never seen anything like this before in his life". I explained to him that we hadn't either but that the Dr had done it before on lots of kids and we just had to trust that he'll look after Ryan and us! He seemed to accept that and is ok.
Ryan said he was scared too.... to which I asked why????.... "How will I see if I'm drinking Chocolate milk or Strawberry milk if my eye's are covered?????" That's his biggest fear! Oh my god - what an amazing little boy. I would be scared out of my skin and maybe he will be in a few days too - but now, he's just taking it all in his stride. And he does understand what's going on - he knows that he'll be put to sleep, the dr will make cuts in the side of his eye's / nose and that he'll have his eye's bandaged when he comes out of the op. I've even said he will be very sore for a few days - so it's not like he doesn't know what's going to happen, he just accepts it.
And me... well I'm absolutely shitting myself already! I have already come out in excema and I'm not sleeping well. So I just want it all to be over and done with. I know I have to put on a brave face for Ryan - which I am doing - and be as up-beat and positive as I can but it is so hard. I think this is probably the hardest one though cause we just don't know what to expect yet. But this time next week I'm sure we'll all be ok and dealing with whatever is thrown our way!
As for the operation and our plans:
Monday we will travel to Melbourne. We'll spend the day travelling so that we can stop and have a few play's etc and have a good relaxed day. Staying at Rell & Josh's for the night.
Tuesday: Ryan is allowed to eat up until 8am so we'll be up about 7.30 and give him breakfast and then just not mention that he isn't allowed to eat again - I'm hoping this just goes un-noticed!!! Mum & Dad will be down in Melb for the day so they will look after Cody & Jesse for us and Andrew, Me & Ryzie will head into the hospital. We need to be there no earlier than 10.45. The operation time is set for 11am. Then it's just sit and wait... and we'll let you all know as soon as we can how our brave little boy is going!
I think we'll spend the rest of the week in Melb with Rell and head home on the weekend. But that will depend on how Ryan is and how I feel about taking him 4 hours away from the Dr. We'll talk to the Dr and ask his advice on this one!
I have found that I am doing a lot of staring at my beautiful Ryan's face this week. From next week it's going to start changing. It's a funny feeling, up until now all we've wanted is for his eye's to be like everyone elses - but now that it's here I feel like I'm saying goodbye to the face we've loved for 5 years!
Anyway... that's it. We're finally counting down the days! It will all be behind us soon.
I had a big talk to Ryan & Cody last night about what to expect and see how they were feeling about it all. They are both scared... Cody said he was scared because "he'd never seen anything like this before in his life". I explained to him that we hadn't either but that the Dr had done it before on lots of kids and we just had to trust that he'll look after Ryan and us! He seemed to accept that and is ok.
Ryan said he was scared too.... to which I asked why????.... "How will I see if I'm drinking Chocolate milk or Strawberry milk if my eye's are covered?????" That's his biggest fear! Oh my god - what an amazing little boy. I would be scared out of my skin and maybe he will be in a few days too - but now, he's just taking it all in his stride. And he does understand what's going on - he knows that he'll be put to sleep, the dr will make cuts in the side of his eye's / nose and that he'll have his eye's bandaged when he comes out of the op. I've even said he will be very sore for a few days - so it's not like he doesn't know what's going to happen, he just accepts it.
And me... well I'm absolutely shitting myself already! I have already come out in excema and I'm not sleeping well. So I just want it all to be over and done with. I know I have to put on a brave face for Ryan - which I am doing - and be as up-beat and positive as I can but it is so hard. I think this is probably the hardest one though cause we just don't know what to expect yet. But this time next week I'm sure we'll all be ok and dealing with whatever is thrown our way!
As for the operation and our plans:
Monday we will travel to Melbourne. We'll spend the day travelling so that we can stop and have a few play's etc and have a good relaxed day. Staying at Rell & Josh's for the night.
Tuesday: Ryan is allowed to eat up until 8am so we'll be up about 7.30 and give him breakfast and then just not mention that he isn't allowed to eat again - I'm hoping this just goes un-noticed!!! Mum & Dad will be down in Melb for the day so they will look after Cody & Jesse for us and Andrew, Me & Ryzie will head into the hospital. We need to be there no earlier than 10.45. The operation time is set for 11am. Then it's just sit and wait... and we'll let you all know as soon as we can how our brave little boy is going!
I think we'll spend the rest of the week in Melb with Rell and head home on the weekend. But that will depend on how Ryan is and how I feel about taking him 4 hours away from the Dr. We'll talk to the Dr and ask his advice on this one!
I have found that I am doing a lot of staring at my beautiful Ryan's face this week. From next week it's going to start changing. It's a funny feeling, up until now all we've wanted is for his eye's to be like everyone elses - but now that it's here I feel like I'm saying goodbye to the face we've loved for 5 years!
Anyway... that's it. We're finally counting down the days! It will all be behind us soon.