My Beautiful Ryan xoxoxoxo

Our beautiful Ryan was born in 2005. He was born with a condition called Blepharophimosis Syndrome. This condition affects the eye area making them look partially closed all the time. Our gorgeous boy is a tough little bugger though and has never let this condition affect him. He get's watery eye's regularly and has never complained, he just takes it all in his stride. He has now started school and gets asked by the other kids why his eyes are different and his reply is "I've got special eyes!".

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Post Operation #3 Checkup

Back to melbourne for Ryan's post operation check up. We were hoping to get the ok that we didn't have to have any more operations! BUT... unfortunately this operation has not been quite as successful as first hoped. The watering hasn't really changed at all. Cosmetically the operation went well - the eye's look great, but the watering is still the same. We are to go back in another 6 weeks to see the Dr and make a final diagnosis, but it is more than likely that Ryan will have to have another operation to re-align his tear ducts. The ducts need to be pointed onto the eye's more than they are now. This will hopefully fix the watering. SO... I'll be re-posting after that aptm when we know some more. I do have some amazing before and after shots of Ryan's eye's though so I will try and find a spare ten minutes to post some pictures soon. I do also need to say a HUGE thanks to my family for being so wonderful again. I love you guys. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    I also have blepharophimosis and eye-watering is very frequent for me as well. My opthamologist told me it was because I don't have the ability to do a full blink. Maybe that's something you should look into as for the cause of your son's eye-watering.
